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Alexis Greene and Shirley Lauro

Front Lines: Political Plays by American Women

Страниц: 780
Ever since this country came into being, women have waged battles for rights in the pages of their plays, and on the stages where those plays were performed. - FROM THE PREFACE BY SHIRLEY LAURO Front Lines is a pathbreaking collection of the most important, critically acclaimed plays written by the country's leading contemporary female playwrights. Including seven full scripts and accompanying materials, Front Lines provides both major examples of the playwright's craft and an essential introduction to the politically inspired work of female dramatists of the twenty-first century. Here is Jessica Blank's widely heralded The Exonerated (written with Erik Jensen), based on interviews with American prisoners incarcerated for crimes they did not commit. Also included is Nilaja Sun's outstanding No Child . . . , winner of the Outer Critics Circle's 2007 John Gassner Award for Best New Play - a funny, stirring one-woman show centering on an inner-city teacher's success at involving her...

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