Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Ms Jennifer K Mackenzie

Emotions Photo Reference for Illustrators & Artists Volume 1

Страниц: 170
Emotions Photo Reference for Illustrators & Artists Volume 1, is the perfect addition to the figurative artist and illustrator's bookshelf providing a unique set of reference material focusing on human emotions. The kind of emotions that are expressed in this book are clearly and professionally captured, allowing the artist to closely represent the personality of their characters in paintings, illustrations, sculptures, and drawings. The format of Emotions Photo Reference for Illustrators & Artists Volume 1, includes 20 models aged 19-29 with 9 males and 11 females photographed. Each model was carefully guided to express the most commonly used human emotions in the Western world. 24 total emotions were expressed and repeated in 3 different angles (side view, 3/4 view, and front view) resulting in 1,440 total images of professional artist reference. Included in the range of emotions are sadness, concern, amazement, and rage, among others. Whether you're an illustrator, comic...

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