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Larry Nestor

How to Tickle the Keys with Ease

Страниц: 36
Larry Nestor teaches you to play the piano. Larry Nestor is primarily a professional song writer (words and music) who has collaborated with many gifted playwrights including Tim Kelly, Gary Peterson, Hal Kesler, Miriam Schuman, Randy Mielke and Alex Karanikus. Nestor began writing songs while taking piano lessons as a child. This caused his teacher to comment that he might want to be a songwriter instead of a musician. In high school, Nestor accompanied and wrote for a singing group that received much acclaim (including a hit record) and won the Arthur Godfrey talent contest on CBS television. After college, Nestor began writing for a variety of groups, performing and recording with many top acts including Bobby Goldsboro, Ella Jenkins, Jackie Wilson, Dells, Pete Cetera, Otis Clay, Alvin Cash, and The Buckinghams. Writing for the musical stage became the next step in his creative journey. In 1980, Nestor wrote the words and music to Tim Kelly's Seven Brides For Dracula,...

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