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J. S. Bach: Nineteen Little Preludes (+ СD)

G. Schirmer, 2012
Страниц: 48
Bach's intermediate level little preludes are gems to be played for pure enjoyment for any recital or as steps toward the more challenging Well-Tempered Clavier. Contains extensive discussion and examples on Baroque ornamentation.

Pentax - Pentax super
The State of Digital Imaging26.01.09 - AnandTech Then there is the question of Pentax. The 14.6 megapixel K20D is one of the most capable DSLR cameras we have tested in the past year, and yet it gets Pentax postponed the launch of DA Star 55mm F1.4 SDM to February22.01.09 - SlashGear Pentax ...

Pentax - Pentax optio
Pentax Optio E70 и P70: камера-путешественница и фоторепортер ИАА ЦИФРОВИК16.01.09 - table border=0 width= valign=top cellpadding=2 cellspacing=7trtd width=80 align=center valign=topfont style=font-size:85%;font-family:arial,sans-serifa href=http://news.google.ru/news/url?sa=Tct=ru/0i-0fd=Rurl=http://w...

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