Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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More Of The Easy Worship Fake Book - Over 100 Songs In The Key Of C

Страниц: 184
By popular request here's a second volume featuring over 100 more contemporary worship favorites! All songs are in the key of C and include lyrics and chords have been simplified but remain true to each tune. Includes: Awesome Is the Lord Most High * Beautiful One * Came to My Rescue * From the Inside Out * Glory to God Forever * Hosanna * How Great Is Our God * How He Loves * Jesus Messiah * Lead Me to the Cross * Love the Lord * Mighty to Save * Our God * Revelation Song * Sing to the King * The Stand * Today Is the Day * You Never Let Go * Your Grace Is Enough * Your Name * and more. Players will love the large easy-to-read notation!

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