Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Ozgur Demirci

Penalty Area: The Experience of Punishment

Страниц: 56
The word punishment has never had a positive association for me. The purpose of giving a punishment is to dissuade and discourage; it aims to avoid the action from happening again. When I started primary school we all had to wear the same uniform. It was just the beginning for standardizing us. I took many lessons but when I look back, one of them becomes especially interesting for me. It was called Hayat Bilgisi (Knowledge of Life). This was a mandatory course, standardized all over the country by the Ministry of education which we had to attend from ages seven to ten. Despite its philosophical-sounding name, the course focused on a??how-toa??s in family, school and society. As it was taught and not experienced, it was actually the educational system's ideas on what the life of the future generation should be. I had no idea what was wrong or right about life. Instead of my personal ideas or wishes, they wanted to integrate one thing to our heads: how to be a good person in society!...

Фотосъемка ювелирных изделий

Фотосъемка ювелирных изделий
Ювелирные изделия традиционно считаются очень сложными объектами для съемки. Кольца, браслеты, серьги, ожерелья... Чтобы добиться достойного снимка, приходится пройти через все круги фотографического ада. Хотя бы потому, что многогранную отражающую поверхность очень нелегко освещать.

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