Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Dr Catherine Johns, Catherine Johns

The Jewellery Of Roman Britain: Celtic and Classical Traditions

Страниц: 246
This work provides a survey of the jewellery of Roman Britain. Fully illustrated and accessible to both the specialist and amateur enthusiast, it surveys the full range of personal ornament worn in Britain during the Roman period, the 1st to 4th centuries AD. It emphasizes the presence of two distinct cultural and artistic traditions, the classical element introduced by the Romans and the indigeneous Celtic background. The interaction of these traditions affected all aspects of Romano-British life and is illustrated in the jewellery.; The meaning and significance of personal ornament in a wide range of cultures is discussed, including such matters as symbolism and the display of wealth and status. The principal types of Romano-British jewellery are classified in detail, drawing attention to those which can be relatively closely dated. The coverage is not restricted to precious-metal objects, but includes jewellery made of base metals and materials such as bone, jet and glass. The...

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