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Sarah Whiting

Beyond Surface Appeal: Literalism, Sensibilities, and Constituencies in the Work of James Carpenter (Graduate School of Design Eliot Noyes)

Страниц: 120
Two essays and a set of original diagrams consider the parameters of the “something beyond” in James Carpenter’s projects. Architectural historian Mark Linder offers a long view of Carpenter’s work, placing his early career as an installation artist and experimental filmmaker in the context of contemporary art practices. Linder draws out the continuities between this early work and Carpenter’s current practice as a glass designer, demonstrating a consistent focus on literalisma??materiality, spatial perception, and inhabitationa??as opposed to phenomenological effect, expression, and representation. Architectural critic Sarah Whiting examines the sensibilities and constituencies that emerge from Carpenter’s practice. Rather than succumbing to the technique of Brechtian estrangement (which has become a default strategy for avant-garde practices in all domains), Carpenter gently eases his viewers into new constituencies. Perceptions and publics are altered, although these alterations...

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