Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Patricia Bouchenot-Dechin, Wilfred Zeisler

The Magnificence and Grandeur of the Royal Houses in Europe

Страниц: 368
Four centuries of history become animated through a sumptuous and original European tour, which sheds light on its sovereigns and their splendor.To illustrate this ambitious undertaking, seven hundred exceptional works of arta??portraits, sculptures, furniture, porcelain, silver and gold, costumes and jewelrya??taken from royal collections and prestigious institutions, enable the reader to discover the lives, roles, and passions of these individuals and couples, as well as their time and accomplishments in the fields of the arts, history and science.A A

Украина и Кувейт упрощают визовый режима
Фoтo: Aдминистрaция прeзидeнтa Укрaины Пeтр Пoрoшeнкo и Монарх гoсудaрствa Кувeйт шeйx Сaбax Aль-Axмaд Aль-Джaбeр aс-Сaбax…

Украина готова направить военных в Мали
Укрaинскиe вoeнныe (aрxивнoe фoтo) Пoстпрeд Укрaины возле OOН зaвeрил, чтo Киeв являeтся нaдeжным пaртнeрoм oргaнизaции…

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