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Everything is in Everything: Jacques Ranciere between Intellectual Emancipation and Aesthetic Education

Страниц: 144
Jacques Ranciere (born 1940) is one of the few living French philosophers to have established a significant dialogue with contemporary art. Ranciere unites a politicized perspective on art's ability to rupture everyday life with his influential theorizations of education (The Ignorant Schoolmaster) and politics (The Nights of Labor). His profile has ascended dramatically in the U.S. over the past decade, and this volume considers the continuity of his work across aesthetics, politics and education. With essays by Evan Calder Williams, Arne de Boever, Claire Fontaine, Peter Friedl, Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, Maria Muhle, Frank Ruda, Jason E. Smith, Jan Voelker and Ranciere himself, this volume asks the question: how might a new model of aesthetic education transform our concepts of art, politics and pedagogy?

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