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Maureen O'Connell

If These Walls Could Talk: Community Muralism and the Beauty of Justice

Страниц: 240
Philadelphia s community muralism movement is transforming the City of Brotherly Love into the Mural Capital of the World. This remarkable groundswell of public art includes some 2,800 wall-sized canvases in ghettos and on schools, on mosques and in jails, in courthouses and along overpasses. In If These Walls Could Talk, Maureen O Connell explores the theological and social significance of the movement. She calls attention to some of the most startling and powerful works it has produced and describes the narratives behind them. In doing so, O Connell illustrates the ways that the arts can help us think about and work through the seemingly inescapable problems of urban poverty and arrive at responses that are both creative and effective. This is a book on American religion. It incorporates ethnography to explore faith communities that have used larger-than-life religious imagery to proclaim in unprecedented public ways their self-understandings, memories of the past, and visions of...

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