Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Monica Masino

Multicultural Education: Perceptions of Future Educators

Страниц: 56
The research presented in this book assesses the importance of multicultural education as perceived by future educators members of the National Education Association Student Programme (NEA-SP). This research also assessed the importance of multicultural education as it is addressed as a component of teacher preparation programs. Research questions formulated for this study are as follows: (a) Do future educators believe that students in low-socioeconomic areas have the same opportunity for academic success as students in higher income areas, (b) Should multicultural education be an essential component of teacher preparation programs, (c) Should teacher preparation programs include trainings related to students with disabilities. The research presented purports the need to expand multicultural education as a part of continued professional development opportunities at future National Education Association-Student Program events.

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