Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
справочники по фотографии / цифровая фотография /
профессиональная фотография /
любительская фотография / подарочные фотоальбомы /
старые и старинные фотографии

Above the World: Earth Through a Drone's Eye

Sometimes, all that is needed to change someone's mind is a change of perspective. Flying cameras, freed from the constraints of gravity, redefine how we perceive the world we live in and reveal previously unseen moments of beauty. Drone technology may still be in its infancy, but already people are finding a myriad of uses for this eye in the sky. The Peruvian government uses drones to map and preserve the irreplaceable Machu Picchu; farmers use them for field monitoring; and even sports teams use them for training. For all the advances in industry, the fact remains that the most exciting part of a flying camera is the unique images it can capture. Very rarely does a new technology level a playing field in an art form, allowing unknown talents to share headlines with established artists. Drones are one of these great equalizers. With this book, we are shining a spotlight on some of the world's best aerial photography. We examine not just the works of well-known aerial photographers like George Steinmetz and Cameron Davidson, and those of landscape photographers turned drone flyers such as Trey Ratcliff and Elia Locardi, but also the many phenomenal images captured by non-professional photographers. The subjects of those showcased range from a volcanic eruption to the abstract patterns of fish farms as seen from above, and from never before seen views of Patagonia to powerful impressions of the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland. Some images are accompanied by fascinating interviews with the artists about their featured photo and drone photography in general. Above the World is an ode to the beauty of the aerial image as it can be seen and captured by anyone. Let yourself be inspired.
Категории каталога:

Медиа архив энциклопедии Britannica стал доступен для дистрибуции
Энциклопедия BritannicaPпродолжает работы над созданием медиа архива, который включает в себя фотографии, карты, иллюстрации, рисунки природы, слайды и анимацию. Архив знаменитой энциклопедии стал доступен для дистрибуции и лицензирования. Коллекция энциклопедии Britannica насчитывает приблизительно 55,000 изображений,Pи в настоящий момент оцифровано примерно 2/3 архива.

JupiterMedia: финансовые результаты 2-го квартала 2008 года
Jupitermedia CorporationPсообщила о получении во 2-м квартале 2008 годаPнемного более высоких доходов (35 млн. долларов США), чемPза аналогичный периодPв прошлом году (34,6Pмлн. долларов США), но тем не менее, снова понесла чистый убыток на сумму 3,286 млн. долларов.

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