Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Moment by Moment

Страниц: 152
Формат: 255x325
As John Loengard writes in the preface to this monograph, "The truth is: a good photograph cannot be repeated. This may be why a photograph of a brief moment, an instant in time, can hold our interest forever." Moment by Moment is an intriguing selection of many moments in John Loengard's long career. His subjects include movie stars, writers, politicians, artists, and other photographers, as well as normal people engaged in a host of extraordinary activities - or, rather, typical activities rendered unforgettable or of enduring interest by the photographer's vision. From a shimmering Marilyn Monroe to a brooding T.S. Eliot, from a now almost sinister silhouette of Bill Cosby to an iconic shot of the Beatles, from an Etonian to a boy in the streets of Manchester, as well as ranchers, sweepers, picnickers, and fellow photographers, Loengard's vision moves and delights us with his humanity and artistry.Moment by Moment enlarges our understanding and deepens our appreciation of Loengard's photographs.135 duotone photographs.

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