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Bob Willoughby

Remembering Audrey

Life, 2008
Страниц: 144
Формат: 165x210
Her life, although too short, reads like a fairy tale. Born in Belgium to wealth and status - her mother was a real Dutch baroness - she suffered through World War II in a city in Holland that was under Nazi occupation. She saw horrendous things, and some of her relatives were shot for aiding the Resistance. But she survived. Hepburn dreamed of being a ballerina but instead found her way as an actress, a profession that obtained for her almost immediate stardom. The renowned photographer Bob Willoughby met her at this point, just after she had enjoyed success with Roman Holiday, and he photographed Hepburn the rest of the way as no one else ever had - or ever could. Willoughby became a friend and confidant of Hepburn's; there are intimate pictures in this book of their families celebrating their babies' first birthdays together at the Willoughbys' house. There are also the glamorous studio shots and the revealing behind-the-scenes pictures, including many never published in...

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