Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Clive Barker

Rare Flesh

Страниц: 144
Book Description In the dark recesses of the human imagination lies an erotic potential that is rarely explored. Rare Flesh dares to venture into this taboo territory, pairing Armstrong's stunning male nudes with provocative poetry and prose by Clive Barker. Fans of Barker's best-selling novels and films-from Weaveworld to Hellraiser-are already familiar with his unique brand of eroticism, and they will be eager to see it brought to life visually for the first time here. Distinguished from other male nude photography books, Rare Flesh presents a series of photo essays that each explores a different fantasy scenario that could have sprung from a Barker novel. Dozens of models of varying body types and backgrounds were chosen, and each was encouraged to act out his own personal dreamscape, working with the photographer. The images, fashioned with the latest digital technology, often play with the viewer's perceptions, as many of the models are covered entirely in black body...
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