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For Every Minute You Are Angry You Lose Sixty Seconds Of Happiness

Страниц: 72
Book Description"I met Charles Albert Lucien Snelling on a Saturday in April, 1992. He lived in a typical two up two down terraced house amongst many other two up two down terraced houses . . . it was yellow and orange. In that respect it was totally different from every other house on the street. Charlie was a simple, gentle, man. He loved flowers and the names of flowers. He loved color and surrounded himself with color. He loved his wife. Without ever trying or intending to, he showed me that the mostimportant things in life cost nothing at all. He was my antidote to modern living." Over eight years photographer Julian Germain documented Charlie, an elderly man living alone on England's Southern Coast--unfettered by the misplaced aspirations of the modern world; instead he spent the last years of his life absorbed in memories of his family, his love for flowers, music, and the quotidian pleasures of the crossword. Germain's charming photographs are a beautiful, gentle portrait of a...

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