Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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In Flanders Fields

Aerial photography was a relatively new technology at the onset of World War I and was embraced as an indispensable tool of wartime intelligence by all nations involved in the conflict. As a result, thousands of photographs taken from the air over the battlefields of the Great War have survived in archives throughout Europe, Australia and the United States. These pictures present the war from a unique perspective, clearly showing the developing trench system, artillery batteries, bunkers, railway lines, airfields, medical evacuation routes and more. They reveal the expanding war in Flanders Fields as the hostilities spread, kilometre by kilometre, devastating the environment and resulting in the complete destruction of the landscape at the front. This illuminating volume, the results of a collaboration between the In Flanders Fields Museum, Ypres, the Imperial War Museum, London, and the Royal Army Museum, Brussels, features hundreds of photographic case studies, illustrating in unprecedented detail the physical extent of World War I and the shocking environmental damage it left in its wake. Supplementing aerial images with maps, documents and photographs taken from the ground, this one-of-a-kind visual record stands as an important contribution to World War I history, revealing the wartime landscape of Flanders Fields as rarely seen before.

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"Альбом путешественника будет "неполон", без пары кадров красивого заката!"Планируйте - конечно, иногда замечательные снимки восходов или закатов бывают спонтанными, без каких либо подготовок, но все же лучше планировать заранее. Осмотритесь, найдите место съемки заранее - за день или два. Ищите интересные места, где можно не только отслеживать весь путь солнца, но и будет возможность поймать какой нибудь силуэт. Закаты по продолжительности около получаса или около того, так что л...

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