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Gabriele Wix, Lawrence Weiner

Lawrence Weiner: After Fine Art, Nach Bildende Kunst

Страниц: 200
One of Conceptual art's most popular and iconic protagonists, Lawrence Weiner (born 1942) has stood as a pioneer for practitioners of language-based art for the last 40 years. His philosophical aphorisms, poetical declarations, idle observations and casual musings, and his appropriation of the art catalogue as artist's book, have proved enduringly influential strategies. About two thirds of Weiner's oeuvre--which to date comprises more than 1,000 works--has only been presented in German, in the German-speaking world (much of it either translated by Weiner himself or conceived by him in German). Featuring over 800 works, this volume is the first catalogue raisonne of those works. As always, Weiner has assumed responsibility for the book's typography and design. Accompanying text and visual documents shed light on his methods.

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