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Randall Janzen

From War to Peace: The Reintegration Experience of Guatemalan Ex-Combatants

Страниц: 192
This book offers insight into the experience of a group of Guatemalan ex-combatants (guerrillas) who chose to reintegrate into Guatemalan society as a collective entity. From their perspective as members of a thriving intentional community, called Nuevo Horizonte (New Horizon) which they built from scratch after the Guatemalan Peace Accords were signed, they offer advice for other ex-combatants who are in the challenging process of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR). The lessons they have learned challenge the conventional wisdom in which the DDR process is managed by outside agencies. Thirteen years after they laid down their arms, their message is clear: their success was based on their own ability to be united with each other, remain autonomous, and maintain their ideological vision to build a better society for all Guatemalans.

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