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Denisa Ciernikova

The evolving perception of preciousness in the context of jewellery: Questioning the sense of preciousness in jewellery through the material revolution

Страниц: 68
The sense of preciousness in the jewellery context is a matter of subjectivity. For every individual a jewellery piece can be precious for a number of different reasons. For some people jewellery carries a nostalgic value. On the other hand, preciousness can be represented in the quality of the design and its realization in material. Even though, the general perception of preciousness is the monetary value of the piece, this sentiment is slowly changing. It is due to artistic people, who produce studio jewellery. It is an art discipline where designers and makers produce jewellery that subverts the common notions of preciousness. With the use of new materials and techniques they manage to extend the limits of jewellery. There is a very fine line in the perception of jewellery; it can be understood as fine art or as a functional object. Jewellery pieces created by studio makers are objects in their own right to be adorned on the body or without it.

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Так как же преуспеть в гастрономической фотографии? В известной компании Ash Photography дело обстоит так. Студийных помещений у них 5. В четырех из них - полностью оборудованные кухни. В штат сотрудников входят фотографы и стилисты. Кулинары, которые приходят из фирм заказчиков, колдуют над блюдами, а стилисты демонстрируют чудеса его оформления. В распоряжении компании - свыше 40 000 элементов обстановки, и нужный декор отыщется наверняка.

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