Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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European Central Bank

Romania: European Central Bank Annual Photography Award 2009 (English and Romanian Edition)

Страниц: 145
Anyone seeking Europe's emerging socio-documentary photographers will be engrossed by the talent revealed in this oversized, full-color volume of winners and finalists in the European Central Bank's Annual Photography Award. The award rotates among countries; 2009 focused on Romania. First-prize winner Nico Ilfoveanu's lyrical Steampunk Autochromes, made with a box camera and a lens treated for color, take industrial vestiges and turn them into painterly Romantic imagery. Second and third-place winners Losif Kiraly and Dragos Lumpan chronicle an urban and rural nation that at times seems medieval, at times post-industrial. The book also includes exciting work by competition runners-up, and a mini history of Romanian photography. Inspiring work from the edge of the West -- or is it the East?

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