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Ansel Adams

Yosemite and the High Sierra

Little, Brown and Company, 2008
Страниц: 136
Yosemite National Park and the High Sierra were the places closest to Ansel Adams' heart, and this magnificent new book presents the finest selection of his photographs and writings yet published on this "vast edifice of stone and space." "I knew my destiny when I first experienced Yosemite," wrote Ansel Adams. The park's stunning vistas - "El Capitan", "Yosemite Falls", "Half Dome", and many others - helped define and sustain Adams' artistic vision throughout his sixty-year career and became subjects for many of his best-known photographs. He also published seven books on Yosemite, including "Yosemite and the Range of Light", an ultra-deluxe volume now out of print in its $150 hardcover edition. This new book, "Yosemite and the High Sierra", distills the heart of Ansel Adams' work in a beautifully produced, more reasonably priced hardcover format. More than half of the seventy-five images are drawn from "Yosemite and the Range of Light", Adams' last personal compilation...
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