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Ana Cardinale

Living in Argentina

Taschen, 2008
Страниц: 200
Argentina considers itself the most European of South American countries, and with good reason. The Argentineans have a strong connection to the old world; their achievements in design, filmmaking, literature, music, and art place them firmly in today's global culture spotlight.When it comes to decorating, they have a great talent for bringing together the old and the new, with subtle touches of color and rich textiles, and incorporating the country's beautiful landscapes in their architectural palette. Editor Angelika Taschen invites readers to pore over this selection of houses, apartments, ranches, polo grounds, and more, including an opulent centuryold opera house where Maria Callas sang as well as the homes of Francis Mallmann, the country's most famous chef, Xul Solar, painter and close friend of the great Argentinean writer Jorge Luis Borges, and Juan Gatti, graphic designer for Pedro Almodovar. Формат: 26,5 см x 31 см.
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