Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Anne Leibovitz

A Photographer's Life

Random House, 2006
Страниц: 480
Формат: 260x360
One of the most celebrated photographers of our time presents a selection of her work of the last fifteen years. The material documents the arc of Leibovitz’s relationship with her companion, Susan Sontag, who died in 2004; the birth of her three daughters; and many events involving her large and robust family, including the death of her father. The book is permeated with strong emotions. Leibovitz’s passion for her family and friends is part of a larger passion that extends to the subjects of her professional work, and the two worlds meet thematically. Portraits of public figures include the pregnant Demi Moore, Nelson Mandela in Soweto, Jack Nicholson on Mulholland Drive, Bill Clinton in the Oval Office, William Burroughs in Kansas, and Agnes Martin in Taos. Over 300 photographs are accompanied by an essay by Leibovitz that discusses the circumstances under which the work was made, both technically and logistically, and her relationships with and thoughts about many of the...

Свет жесткий и мягкий. Схемка.
Вот одна интересна схемка, в которой мы будем смешивать жесткий и мягкий свет.Можно ее использовать как для портретов, так и для снимков в полный рост. Итак, нам потребуются: модель с хорошей кожей, октабокс, стрип и бьти диш (портретная тарелка)  

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