Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия справочники по фотографии / цифровая фотография / профессиональная фотография / любительская фотография / подарочные фотоальбомы / старые и старинные фотографии
Scott Kelby, author of the groundbreaking bestseller “The Digital Photography Book, Vol. 1” is back with an entirely new book that picks up right where Vol. 1 left off. It’s more of that “Ah ha—so that’s how they do it,” straight-to-the-point, skip the techno jargon; packed with stuff you can really use today, that made Vol. 1 the world’s bestselling book on digital photography. In Volume 2, Scott adds entirely new chapters packed with Plain English tips on using flash, shooting close up photography, travel photography, shooting people, and even how to build a studio from scratch, where he demystifies the process so anyone can start taking pro-quality portraits today! Plus, he's got full chapters on his most requested topics, including loads of tips for landscape photographers, wedding photographers, and there's an entire chapter devoted to sharing some of the pro's secrets for making your photos look more professional, no matter what you're shooting. This book truly has a...
Ежегодный фейерверк в Женеве, 9 августа 2008 года Автор - Russian_o Галерея фотографий Парад фейерверков, 2007 год Автор - monochromica День города Ярославля, 2008 год Автор - Дядя Рома Галерея фотографий Фестиваль фейерверков в Киеве. Лето 2008 года Автор - Руслан Галерея фотографий