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Bert Stern

Marilyn Monroe: The Last Sitting

Random House Mondadori, 2007
Страниц: 128
Bert Stern’s Favorite Photos of an American Icon Bert Stern, the famous commercial and fashion photographer of the 60s, was the last to be granted a sitting by Marilyn Monroe six weeks before her tragic death. The three-day session yielded amazing pictures—fashion, portrait, and nude studies—of indescribable sensual and human vibrancy, of which Mr. Stern’s favorites are published in this book. The monumental body of work by the master photographer and the Hollywood actress marks a climax in the history of star photography. It is a unique affirmation of the erotic dimension of photography and the eroticism of taking photos, and it is the world’s finest tribute to Marilyn Monroe. In 1954 Bert Stern opened his first studio in New York. Besides working for IBM, Vogue, Glamour, Life, Revlon, and Smirnoff, he is famous for his portraits of celebrities such as Anna Nicole Smith, Elizabeth Taylor, Gary Cooper, Louis Armstrong, Catherine Deneuve, as well as...

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