Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Britain from Above: A View of Britain from the Past to Present

Collins, 2014
Страниц: 304
Формат: 225x275
A stunning collection of aerial photography from high above the British Isles, offering a unique insight into the evolution of photography, mapping and the nation. This beautiful volume of striking images from over 90 years, offers an insight into the incredible history of aerial photography. Aerial photography has been practised for as long as man has been airborne. Techniques have changed greatly since photographers leant out of the first hot air balloons, as have their subjects - from photographing 19th century rural Britain, to detailing the Games of the Thirtieth Olympiad in 2012. Each chapter details a region of Britain, highlighting key social, cultural and technological changes over the years. Explore how grainy images and cracked screens have given way to high resolution detail. Over 100 featured subjects include: The natural beauty of the British landscape from Snowdon to Easdale and the Needles. Contemporary views from The Shard in London to Cardiff Arms Park and Belfast's...
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Города. Страны

Украина выразила РФ протест из-за продления ареста Сущенко
Фoтo: Кoррeспoндeнт.net Министeрствo инoстрaнныx дeл Укрaины вырaзилo прoтeст суду РФ Прoдлeниe срoкa сoдeржaния пoд стрaжeй…

УПЦ США просит об автокефалии УПЦ
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