Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Young European Architects

daab, 2006
Страниц: 400
European architecture is distinguished by a variety of forms and styles. This building diversity is influenced by architects and agencies throughout all of Europe. Many "heads" of various nationalities with a diversity of approaches and concepts contribute to this multiplicity with their creative ideas and unconventional solutions. There are several young architects in the bunch. New offices, recent graduates, young-at-heart, interdisciplinary career changers and lone warriors provide insight into their work with both the realized projects and visions for the future depicted in this book. Today, architects work less and less within geographical borders. Nowadays, they think more globally, since competitions are increasingly advertised on an international basis. These competitions provide new architects and relatively young and inexperienced agencies with the chance of vying for larger jobs along with the well-known and well-established stars of the branch. Many of the...
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Города. Страны

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