Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Rocky Schenck

Rocky Schenck : Photographs (Wittliff Gallery Series)

Страниц: 160
Book Description"Each photograph is like a still taken from a movie that exists not on film but rather in one's memory, with all the fuzziness typical of remembered impressions. The viewer, willing or not, fills in the frames that precede and follow it. . . . When confronted by such compelling and seductive images, the viewer can hardly help but respond reflexively, amplifying, expanding, and otherwise making the photograph his own. This compulsion to respond, together with the lovely elegiac mood in allhis work, is the real power of Schenck's photographs." --John Berendt, from the Foreword Remembered movies . . . images from a dream . . . scenes from another world--the photographs of Rocky Schenck are endlessly evocative, though the photographer asserts that "my approach is rather simple: I record on film what I see and what I feel as I travel through life." Still, these haunting images are no mere reproductions of everyday reality. By manipulating both the film's negative and the...

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