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Richard Olsenius

Dog Stories

Страниц: 128
Book Description With more than 43 million dog owners in the U.S. today, the connection between man and dog has transcended centuries and species, resulting in human-canine relationships that range from dependent to indulgent. National Geographic photographer Richard Olsenius and Washington Post journalist Angus Phillips begin their search for insight into man?s relationship with dogs on a remote hillside in Northern Israel with a 12,000-year-old fossil of a man buried with his trusty companion. Continuing with heartwarming vignettes, Olsenius and Phillips visit people with hardworking dogs on ranches and in airports, sportsmen with hunting hounds, and city-dwellers with pampered pooches. They capture the restorative powers oftherapy dogs with hospital patients, the protectiveness of assistance dogs with disabled people, and the lifelines dogs become in rescue missions. The also pay tribute to the unparalleled, day-to-day companionship that these much-loved pets provide...

Фотография Млечного Пути снята на смартфон
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