Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Richard Lynch

The Hidden Power of Photoshop Elements 2

Страниц: 292
Book DescriptionUnlock Photoshop Elements' Awesome Power with Sophisticated Techniques and Original Power Tools Until now, Adobe's Photoshop Elements hasn't been considered powerful or full-featured enough for serious image correction. This is thebook that changes that forever, revealing advanced features locked inside Photoshop Elements, ready to be turned loose. All you need are the techniques found in this book and the author's custom Hidden Power Tools included on the CD--powerful enhancements that unlock key Photoshop features, like curves, channel separations in RGB and CMYK, and masking. Soon you'll do more with Photoshop Elements than you ever thought possible, including: * Radically upgrade the quality of your color results using channels, custom separations, and image luminosity * Alter reality by creating new photo-realistic objects and adding them to existing images * Create dynamic images for the Web using animation and...

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