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Dairai Darlington Dziwa

Art and Design Professional Studies Curriculum in Zimbabwe Education: Art and Design Professional Studies Curriculum in Zimbabwe Teacher Education

Страниц: 100
This study set to evaluate the operation of the Art and Design professional studies curriculum in Zimbabwe teacher education. The results among other things reveled that there is a two-fold discrepancy in the Professional Studies curriculum being experienced by the learner teachers in teacher education. There is, firstly, a discrepancy between the ideal professional study curriculum knowledge constitutive interest and the collegesa?? planned curriculum knowledge constitutive interest. Then secondly, there is discrepancy between the planned curriculum and the implemented curriculum as experienced by the learners. Various economic, material, physical and human factors identified limit the full implementation of the planned curriculum. The study has recommended other approaches to the teaching of Professional Studies Art and Design which will aid the development of important but neglected types of knowledge through critical and evaluative mode of inquiry.

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