Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Steve Cardwell, Mark Munson

Skateboard Stickers

Страниц: 144
This is the first book to celebrate the use of stickers in skateboarding. Showing the full spectrum of skate sticker art, it brings together over 350 of the most memorable stickers ever produced. Stickers became extremely important in the late 1980s and early 90s when many smaller, skater-owned companies emergeda??they are an easy way to get brands noticed and virtually every board graphic is also available in sticker form. Nearly every skater has a sticker collection of some sort, either on a bedroom door, on the fridge or in a shoe box. From Wes Humpston and Dogtown's stickers in the 1970s to Birdo at Consolidated's "Don't Do It" campaign, Skateboard Stickers features the very best designs, selected by pro skateboarders past and present. It includes sticker-related stories and articles, such as the story of Death skateboards or Jim Phillips' legendary Screaming Hand sticker logo for Speed Wheels Santa Cruz, and features quotes from skateboarders describing what stickers mean to them.

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