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Hairstyles: Ancient to Present

Страниц: 576
No part of the human body is as culturally determined, and as diverse in its possible expressions, as hair. The afro, beehive, bob, bouffant, bowl cut, dreadlocks, mullet, mohawk, perm, pompadour - from year to year, and from era to era, old and new hairstyles come and go, telling a new tale about their wearers each time around. Hairstyles: Ancient to Present is not only the most comprehensive survery of hairstyles ever published, it is also a visual celebration of this endlessly inventive cultural phenomenon that looks at the entire cultural sprectrum of hairstyle, from ancient Greek tresses and eighteenth century powdered wigs to Art Deco bobs and Punk spikes, to the latest directions in the world of hairdressing today. Throughly researched, with 800 illustrations, this book showcases an amazing array of wonderfully imaginative styles, while also demonstrating the remarkable skill of their creators. It includes over 1,000 hairstyles, from resplendent Victorian chignons to 1950's...

Порошенко похвалил украинских военных
Фoтo: facebook.com/petroporoshenko Укрaинскиe вoeнныe Зa пoслeдниe чeтырe гoдa удaлoсь нe прoстo вoзрoдить укрaинскую aрмию, нo…

Ярош выступил в поддержку николаевского губернатора
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