Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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"He created his own universe and became its star". (David Cronenberg, "Guardian"). Andy Warhol carried a camera with him everywhere he went and, taken from ten years of extraordinary shots, his America aspires to the strange beauty and staggering contradictions of the country itself. Exploring his greatest obsessions - including image and celebrity - he photographs wrestlers and politicians, the beautiful wealthy and the disenfranchised poor, Capote with the fresh scars of a facelift and Madonna hiding beneath a brunette bob. He writes about the country he loves, wishing he had died when he was shot, commercialism, fame and beauty. An America without Warhol is almost as inconceivable as Warhol without America, and this touching, witty tribute is the great artist of the superficial at his most deeply personal.

Фотозима 2010
Где фотографировать когда холодно? Как получать разрешение на съемки? Вспышки и фотосвет - что выбрать?   «Здравствуйете фотзз.ру!  С недавних пор мой фотоаппарат стал выдавать более холодный оттенок. Как поправить баланс белого? А то кожа у людей немного синяя-фиолетовая» (с) - голос из толпы.

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