Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Urban Spaces. № 4

Visual Reference Publications, 2006
Страниц: 316
Формат: 230x300
The Urban Land Institute has again cooperated with Visual Reference Publication to cosponsor this fourth volume titled Urban Spaces No. 4 showcasing more than 190 outstanding urban/mixed use design projects by leading architects, landscape architects, urban designers and planners. All over the world, people dependent upon TV and computes are craving public spaces more than ever. Meanwhile, community governments and private developers are increasingly committed to building meaningful public spaces as requisites for municipal and commercial prosperity. This universal appeal of spaces where people can gather continues to inspire new parks, plazas, atriums, and mixed-used complexes, as well as entire new people-oriented neighborhoods and communities. This 320 page volume with over 750 beautifully reproduced full-color images is an invaluable reference for urban planners, public officials, building committees, and professionals who are responsible for the planning, design,...
Категории каталога:
Города. Страны

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