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Mario Testino

Mario Testino: In Your Face

Taschen, 2015
Страниц: 260
Snapping fabulous: Experience a world of glamour through Testino's lens. Mario Testino's boundless talent with a camera must be maddening for other photographers working in a highly competitive field, but he remains one of the most revered stars in his profession. Often imitated and never equaled, Testino is graced with a natural ability to float effortlessly from studio to backstage to after-party, producing stunning shots in any kind of situation. From royals to mega-celebrities, Testino has shot some of the world's most inaccessible subjects, always with an ease that betrays the complexity of the task. When Testino gets "in your face" he captures you at your best - and that is what makes him the best. This unorthodox collection of various images chosen by Testino from the span of his 30-year career reflects the diversity of his work, ranging from fashion and advertising shots to sexually-charged images and autobiographical photos. Full of color, life, and humor, this...

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