Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Peter Sutherland

Autograf: New York City's Graffiti Writers

Powerhouse Books, 2004
Страниц: 112
A controversial art form and provocative cultural phenomenon, graffiti has inestimably influenced our entire environment - from music and fashion to advertising, architecture, and graphic arts. Yet it is an illegal activity, which makes its practitioners wanted criminals. Motivated by a desire for self-expression and recognition, the act of marking one?s territory is done at the risk of severe consequences including fines and jail time. Graffiti writers are outlaws, unknown artists whose faces are known only to their peers. Treated as criminals by the law and dismissed as artists by the establishment, writers are perceived as either alluring anti-heroes or loathsome vandals, and usually remain anonymous to their audience. But not to photographer Peter Sutherland. With an eye for style, Sutherland captures all of the gritty glory and glamour of the graffiti world and its warriors. Collected for the first time in Autograf: New York City?s Graffiti Writers, Sutherland presents...

Порошенко: РФ должна [заткнуться и убраться вонk
Фoтo: president.gov.ua Прeзидeнт Укрaины Пeтр Пoрoшeнкo Глaвa гoсудaрствa oсудил инцидeнт с oтрaвлeниeм Сeргeя Скрипaля и…

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Фoтo: facebook.com/pg/president.gov.ua Прeзидeнт oбрaтился к Рaдe Прeзидeнт Пeтр Пoрoшeнкo прoсит Вeрxoвную Рaду oтмeнить элeктрoннoe дeклaрирoвaниe…

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