Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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David Herrod

Photojournalism : An Essential Guide

Страниц: 180
Book Description A good photojournalist must combine keen technical ability with an acute sense of observation, and David Herrod is one of the best. His images tell stories, and reveal truths about what it means to live in the world today. In this beautifully presented and inspiring collection of his finest pictures, he shares his technical and aesthetic approach to the art. Herrod's subjects are diverse and fascinating, including hunting dogs in action, out on the trail; a jazz festival; a bicycle racer who's taken a tumble; an auction, and children in special education classes. Every stunning black-and-white picture is testament to the unique ability of this talented photographer to capture the moment with clarity and emotion. About theauthor: David Herrod's fine-art photographs are held in collections throughout the world, including London's famed National Portrait Gallery and the Victoria & Albert Museum.

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