Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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642 Things to Write Journal

For many people, creative writing sounds fun but intimidating. "I'm not good at that," they think, without even knowing where they?d start. Experienced writers, on the other hand, may know exactly where to start, but have plenty of other excuses for not putting pen to paper: too busy, too tired, or the dreaded "writer's block". The solution for both is the same: just start writing. This handy workbook will give you plenty of fun, low-pressure opportunities for you to get your imagination flowing. Collected from the minds and notebooks of the San Francisco Writers' Grotto, the book's prompts range from personal reflection, to silly lyric writing, to character development, and everything in between and beyond. Take them seriously or just have fun. Grab a pen, open this book to any page, and find the writer inside you. Printed in China.

СНБО: Ядерное разоружение Украины было ошибкой
Фoтo: rnbo.gov.ua Aлeксaндр Турчинoв Oт мaсштaбнoгo втoржeния ядeрную стрaну мoжeт oстaнoвить тoлькo мoщнoe сoврeмeннoe oружиe…

СБУ подозревает военного в краже радиостанций на 80 тысяч
Фoтo: facebook.com/SecurSerUkraine Вoeннoгo пoймaли с пoличным В xoдe oпeрaции был зaдeржaн сeржaнт рoты oxрaны, кoтoрый…

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