Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Maurice Delafosse

African Art (Temporis Collection)

Страниц: 256
African Art invites you to explore the dynamic origins of the vast artistic expressions arising from the exotic and mystifying African continent. Since the discovery of African art at the end of the nineteenth century during the colonial expositions it has been a limitless source of inspiration for artists who, over time, have perpetually recreated these artworks. The power of Sub-Saharan African art lies within its visual diversity, demonstrating the creativity of the artists who are continuing to conceptualise new stylistic forms. From Mauritania to South Africa and from the Ivory Coast to Somalia, statues, masks, jewellery, pottery and tapestries compose a variety of daily and ritual objects springing from these richly varied societies.

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