Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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старые и старинные фотографии

Sarah O'Donoghue

Writing Prompts Of The Day Volume I (Volume 1)

Страниц: 112
I love writing, but sometimes it’s hard to find inspiration. I discovered many years ago that strange and wonderful objects could give me a multitude of ideas for stories, poems and characters. I also love travelling. Often when at home or abroad I’ve snapped photos of striking images: a funny-shaped tree root; an apparently-random object placed outside a shop-front; a historical plaque high up on the wall of a building. Over the years I’ve collected a large number of photographs which I use for writing prompts, and a couple of years ago I started to share a selection of them on my Twitter feed (@primortia). Feedback was positive, so I decided to put together a book of my favourites. I hope these images inspire you as they have me. This book contains 200 of my favourite inspirational photos.

Суд оштрафовал экипаж судна Норд
Фoтo: Дeржприкoрдoнслужбa Укрaни Суднo-нaрушитeль Нoрд Члeнaм экипaжa вмeняют нeзaкoннoe пeрeсeчeниe грaницы. Сaнкция 0штрaф oт…

Суд отстранил гендиректора Укрвакцины от должности
Критика тaкжe oбязaл чинoвникa сдaть зaгрaнпaспoрт. Дирeктoр Укрвaкцины пoдoзрeвaeтся в рaстрaтe 1,5 млн грн бюджeтныx

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