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Alma Ruiz

Suprasensorial: Experiments in Light, Color, and Space

Страниц: 148
Suprasensorial: Experiments in Light, Color, and Space situates the pioneering experiments of Latin American artists within the larger international canon of artists working with light and space. Expanding the dialogue beyond the California tradition of the late 1960s and 70s to include pivotal Latin American activities that had begun to be expressed more than a decade earlier, Suprasensorial focuses on the work of artists such as Carlos Cruz-Diez, Lucio Fontana, Julio Le Parc, Helio Oiticica and Jesus Rafael Soto. With 100 images, including specially commissioned photography by Iwan Baan of the installation at MOCA, a bibliography, a selected exhibition history and a major essay by Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Senior Curator Alma Ruiz, Suprasensorial retrieves these artists' decisive contributions to contemporary art, acknowledging their previously obscured labors as formative to the ongoing light and space tradition.

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